New posts in click

How to capture trayicon.displayMessage() mouse click on the tooltip baloon

Jquery: detect if middle or right mouse button is clicked, if so, do this:

WPF Change button background image when clicked

Dragon Dictation mouse clicks

Excel VBA: getting row of clicked button [duplicate]

How can I automate repeat mouse clicks, with delay, from fixed coordinates within a browser window?

How to get the id of the element clicked using jQuery

What is the best way to simulate a Click with MouseUp & MouseDown events or otherwise?

Add html element (or angular component) on call of a function, in angular

Using jQuery to programmatically click an <a> link

Click event called twice on touchend in iPad

Registering jQuery click, first and second click

How to capture a mouse click on an Item in a ListBox in WPF?

Javafx 2 click and double click

How can I simulate a mouse click at a certain position on the screen?

Android: Disable highlighting in GridView

JavaScript: Invoking click-event of an anchor tag from javascript

Difference between .click() and actually clicking a button? (javascript/jQuery)

Android - ListView - performItemClick

Detect if user clicks inside a circle