Android - ListView - performItemClick

        mList.getAdapter().getView(mActivePosition, null, null),

Where mActivePosition is your click position! All the best! :)

This worked for me.

    listView.getAdapter().getView(position, null, null), position, position);

use the adapter to get the view for the position of the item. The other 2 parameters I didn't want so I left them null. Leaving convertView null causes the adapter to render a new view. It's a performance issue but since this is only happening once in a while it wont have much effect. I don't need to specify the parent for anything because I'm not using it.

position is just the spot where your item is located. Additionally these 2 lines of code before your performItemClick create the illusion of having the list item selected. They also ensure the appropriate item is on the screen.
