No. A regular client does not have the ability to demand of a caching DNS server that it flush its cache and requery the authoritative servers. This is by design -- I'll leave the amount of DDoS havoc you could otherwise get up to as an exercise for the reader.

If you absolutely positively MUST have the un-cached record, query your regular name server for the target domain's NS record, then query the authoritative server directly.

NOTE: This is generally regarded as rude behavior and should really not be used except as a last resort -- what, precisely, is so horribly critical that you absolutely need a perfect recheck every minute just in case a record changed without you noticing?

... For that matter, why are your TTLs at five minutes by default?

ETA: Most DNS servers out in the wild, especially forwarding ones, will flat out refuse to honour a TTL of anything less than 3600 seconds. If you're lucky, they'll default to a minimum of 1 hour; if you're not they'll default to the commonly accepted default of 86400 seconds (24 hours)...