New posts in php5

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20100525/'

PHP thinks date.timezone isn't set

PHP5-FPM and 'ondemand'

Apache 2.4 with PHP-FPM .htaccess redirection

Ubuntu install php5-ffmpeg

Apapche + php-fpm + mysql too slow on powerful server

Apache 2.2.15 possible security risk?

Howto install php 5.2.17 on centos 6 x86_64

Apache 2.4: mod_php vs php-fpm performance

Session variables not persistent in PHP5/Apache2/Ubuntu12

Why are DNS lookups not respecting /etc/nsswitch.conf & /etc/host.conf?

Why is there no php.ini file when I install PHP in a docker container?

smallest possible linux installation with apache

crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash function [closed]

Install php-mssql in CentOS 6.2 [closed]

Correct PHP5 DLL for Apache 2.2?

How to configure Apache on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

PHP 5.6 undefined function xml_parser_create

Upgrading PHP 5.3.3 to 5.4.4 in CentOS 6.4

Apache Never runs after configuring eAccelerator and FastCGI