New posts in php.ini

Can't increase upload_max_filesize in a Wordpress LAMP stack

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20100525/'

Can we have 2 'extension_dir' in php.ini?

Reverting PHP-CLI back to default path on Ubuntu, NGINX, HHVM

Settings on php.ini ignored

Can't 'php artisan migrate' inside docker

PHP date.timezone warning

Different PHP-configs in Nginx

Why is there no php.ini file when I install PHP in a docker container?

How do I prevent Apache/PHP from showing the environment variables section in phpinfo()?

PHP memory_limit local value does not match php.ini value

How to add a extention to the php.ini file

PHP performance improvement for 32GB RAM

Stop reusing PHP_VALUE for different sites with PHP-FPM

RHEL PHP 7.3.5 with mysqlnd and apache

Do we need to explicitly pass php.ini's location to php-fpm?

PHP session handler using redis not work

PHP - Extensions - no-debug-non-zts-xxxxxxxx

"failed to open stream: Read-only file system" when trying to create file outside webroot with php

sed php.ini memory_limit