New posts in upstart

upstart config to start sync daemon as non-root user

How does the Ubuntu boot process work?

Will it be possible to switch from systemd to upstart from 15.10 onwards?

How can I start SpiderOak automatically on a headless server?

How to start GUI application with upstart?

Remove upstart option from GRUB

Ubuntu Upstart Error

Where in CentOS does program start at boot if it's not in init.d?

Upstart restart command doesn't load new updated job config (solr)

How should I start MongoDB on a NUMA machine?

Change logging directory/file for an Upstart service

Upstart script which restarts service when file is created

why would /etc/init.d/mysql run the wrong upstart job?

reliably restarting services using upstart or runit

Upstart PID files in home directory?

Unable to start kde

How I can run ubuntu in chroot on Android?

How do I get my script to run BEFORE any shutdown sequence like unmounting my external drive

How should I configure Ubuntu/Upstart for unusual network configuration?

Why does Upstart need `setgid` when I have `setuid` and the user is a member of the group?