How to start GUI application with upstart?

Create a file $HOME/.config/upstart/myGuiStart.conf


start on desktop-start
stop on desktop-end


exec firefox

or another example with a delay:

start on desktop-start
stop on desktop-end


    sleep 30
end script

description of respawn:

         A service or task with this stanza will be automatically started
         if it should stop abnormally.  All reasons for a service stopping,
         except the stop(8) command itself, are considered abnormal.  Tasks
         may exit with a zero exit status to prevent being respawned.

More info:

Respawn bug? ->

The problem you are facing is that when upstart (or systemd, or the scripts in /etc/rc.d/) are run, there is normally no graphic service ("the X server") running.

Moreover, the availability of the graphic subsystem in Unix is strictly bond to the concept that a user has done a graphic login, and just this user has the right to use the graphic environment. It is customary NOT to start a graphic subsytem for root --- and the upstart scripts are run by root.

To automatically start a graphic application at the start of the system, my approach would be:

  1. create a user for this purpose. Set it up so that its session will autostart.
    enter image description here

  2. set up a startup application for this user with the program you want; choose "startup application" in the dash: enter image description here

  3. for restarting the application when it exits/crashes, you can simply embed it in a script:

         while true; do 
              /full/path/to/    # NO background (&)!
              # if we land here it exited
              sleep 5

If you use this script, it is really important that the command should not launch the application in background. Otherwise, more complex strategies are required to auto-restart...

Notice that you can use your normal user in parallel too; just choose "switch user" from the panel (adapt to your flavor of Ubuntu) and you will have another graphical login screen; you can switch back-an-forth using CTRL-ALT-F7 and CTRL-ALT-F8...