How to add a extention to the php.ini file

Hi have Centos 6 installed and busy installing wkhtmltopdf, I only have one step left and that is to include to the php.ini file, I added it to /etc/php.ini and reloaded apache and the extention does not take effect.

I check /usr/lib64/php/modules/ and the file is present.

Is there anything I did wrong?

When adding an extension to PHP:

  1. Ensure you adding it to the correct php.ini file:

    • Check the output of phpinfo(); for the 'Loaded Configuration File' line
      • see if you are actually using /etc/php.ini
    • Alternatively try: php -i | grep php.ini
      • some environments (e.g. FastCGI) may load a different config file, so this isn't always reliable

  2. php.ini is an INI file - it is divided into sections (with the section names in square brackets). A directive under the wrong section may not be correctly applied. You should add extensions to the '[PHP]' section (typically the first section, it is often followed by sections for 'Module Settings')

  3. PHP loads the ini files from /etc/php.d - it is good practise to add the extension from there. Create a new ini file, named after your module, containing the 'extension=' directive, and any module specific configuration options. For example:

    echo "" > /etc/php.d/phpwkhtmltox.ini

Of course, restart Apache/PHP after you have made the changes, and confirm that they were successful using phpinfo();