Settings on php.ini ignored

Solution 1:

write a file in your webserver called test.php:

<? phpinfo(); ?>

Then open it in your browser

there is a section

Directive   Local Value Master Value

where you see the values, of all variables and where they are set: Local Value means, set in .htaccess or inside the php-script with ini_set()

also try to find out the source of the content of your variables.

i once had a stupid error, where i tried to set upload_max_filesize to 200M: i wrote "200MB" in php.ini, but it must be just "200M" php interprets the incorrect value "200MB" as 0. Maybe some of this helps

Solution 2:

Run php -i in the terminal and it will flag if you have any syntax errors in your php.ini. Such errors make Apache to not parse (ignore) directives quietly.