smallest possible linux installation with apache

I want to setup a linux vm with apache and php and mysql support, which version of linux should I pick up.
I dont have a good bandwidth, preferably a smaller ISO of the installer is also appreciated.

What about Turnkey LAMP appliance?

Debian base is what I have used in the past but you can also do a stripped down install of centos for example. The distribution is immaterial really. Choose one that you are comfortable with and then just do the bare minimal install. In fact, if you don't intend to be compiling anything, you wouldn't even ever need to install the kernel sources, make, gcc or any of its brethren. The netinstall variants can be used if you don't mind that it will simply download the basics that are needed for the install. Or you could always try freebsd. :) (No this is not a freebsd vs linux flame. please do not interpret it as such.)

I have no rep, but I would vote for Chiefbrownbottom.