New posts in yum

CentOS repositories: EPEL or rpmforge, which one is better and why?

how do I install scripts like pg_lsclusters on a Amazon AWS Linux AMI

Why does Software Update and Add/Remove Software claim all packages are untrusted?

CentOS install proftpd with yum

How to install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel on RHEL Server 6.3?

local rpm repostry, that contains all packages installed on system

Yum update notification when logging on to CentOS server remotely

Puppet error on already installed package on centos

Fedora19: YUM glibc is a duplicate of glibc

How to resolve yum errors during update - CentOS

puppet: how to submit command "yum update" to all agents?

How to Disable GPG checks per Channel in Spacewalk?

Upgrade cURL to latest on CentOS 5.8

How to interpret this yum dependency error?

Difference between RPM (yum) and apt-get

yum depsolving problems - package already installed?

Postgresql unrecognized, even though it's installed

Pass --nogpgcheck to yum via puppet

Installing rpm-package to systemd?

MySQL installation on centOS fails - dependency issues