PHP 5.6 undefined function xml_parser_create

I have a new php 5.6 installation and get the following error from my application:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function xml_parser_create()

But libxml seems to be OK? phpinfo about libxml is:

libXML support  active
libXML Compiled Version     2.9.1
libXML Loaded Version   20901
libXML streams  enabled 

I installed already:

    sudo apt-get install php-xml-parser 
    sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
  • Ubuntu 14.04 (yes I know its old but not changeable at the moment).
  • Apache 2.4.7
  • PHP Package is from ppa:ondrej/php (

First check installed extensions in php with following command

php -m

After enter check Do you find follwing xml list?


if not then add following line

apt-get install php5.6-xml

After doing so, make sure to restart appache

service apache2 restart

Hope this will help you.