Test port communication from azure website

My Azure Website has trouble connecting to a distant system.

I cannot access the distant system so my only option would be to TELNET on an IP and port from my azure hosting environment. The issue is can't access this environment as it's directly hosted by azure, it's not a VM.

Is it possible to TELNET from an Azure-hosted website to a remote site ?

Solution 1:

According to your scenario, you could use Azure Web Job.

WebJobs is a feature of Azure App Service that enables you to run a program or script in the same context as a web app, API app, or mobile app. There is no additional cost to use WebJobs.

You could write a script to determine connectivity, web job and web app run in the same context.


Thanks for Aravinda's share. Another easy way is Kudu Console. Telnet does not supported on Kudu, but Azure provides a tool tcpping. Please refer to this blog.

For example:

tcpping www.google.com:80

enter image description here