New posts in defaults

"Open with" equivalent on Mac

How can I toggle magic mouse one finger swipe pages gesture via terminal?

Reverting CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled in VSCode

Print the BIND9 default configuration

Problem in defaults command when adding app with blanks in name to dock

How do I verify the integrity of my OSX installation? (Files, versions, and preferences)

Use smart folder as Finders default folder

assign nothing as default open with application

Preferences changes using "defaults" not applied

Screencapture with zooming

How do I gain write permission for the defaults shell command?

How to reverse the defaults write CustomUserAgent "\"My user agent string\"" command

How to change shape defaults in keynote?

How to define an array with a single `defaults` command?

Change "Open With" from terminal [duplicate]

Terminal command to list application defaults?

How to set default number formatting in Numbers?

How to disable file associations to an app before/after installing?

Default macOS certificates not trusted and not verified by third party

How can I script the keyboard backlight settings?