How can I toggle magic mouse one finger swipe pages gesture via terminal?
How can I toggle magic mouse one finger swipe pages gesture via terminal?
The command defaults write -g AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool NO
triggers checkbox in System Preferences, but doesn't affect swiping gesture.
Checkbox toggle in System Preferences turns off swipe gesture instantly without need to restart magic mouse. I want to get same functionality from terminal.
Solution 1:
The one finger swipe gesture on the Magic Mouse is technically a scroll gesture and it can not be disabled, you can investigate the specifics further with my app NSMonitor.
To investigate the correspondence of ~/Library/Preferences/ entries with user interface elements in System Preferences what i do is save a copy of that file as xml, edit something in system preferences, save it again and compare the two.
Solution 2:
After some research I found out that you have to manipulate
I found a config at github from okine which had the following code:
# Disable full-screen swipe (two-finger swipe) on Magic Mouse
defaults write MouseTwoFingerHorizSwipeGesture -int 0
This should work. Other options are
defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/
MouseButtonDivision = 55;
MouseButtonMode = TwoButton;
MouseHorizontalScroll = 0;
MouseMomentumScroll = 1;
MouseOneFingerDoubleTapGesture = 0;
MouseTwoFingerDoubleTapGesture = 3;
MouseTwoFingerHorizSwipeGesture = 2;
MouseVerticalScroll = 1;
UserPreferences = 1;