New posts in zoom

Enable screen zoom via terminal

Google Chrome - Zoom without changing the viewport

Full screen and zoom to page width in Preview or Skim on Mac

Tell application screen is not zoomed

Screencapture with zooming

How to disable automatic zoom change in IE11 when moving window between different monitors?

Is there a toggle for zoom/bigger text in OS X?

Keyboard shortcut for Zoom style?

Disable pinch-zoom gesture in Chrome (Windows 10)

Black rectangle appears on display

Some PDFs do not snap to the window while using Preview

How do I reset the desktop zoom level to its default in Windows?

How do I zoom without a trackpad in Xcode Instruments Time Profiler?

CSS Zoom does not work iPad OS (v13- latest) Safari

How do I zoom into text with JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA

How can I quickly access the Microsoft Word zoom setting on a Mac?

How do I disable the three finger double tap to zoom gesture?

How do I set what "maximize"means for a window?

Did Apple remove the zooming feature from the Magic Mouse in a recent OS update?

Can I capture a zoomed-in screen with the "Screen Capture" feature of OS X?