New posts in semantics

"Keith does not a hint take" or "A hint does Keith not take"

Words Similar to the -Smith Suffix [closed]

Hydrophobic, hydrophobized, or hydrophobicized?

Are semantics and syntax the same?

Why does R use partial matching?

"One of my friends" vs "a friend of mine"

Does the word "youthism" have contradictory meanings?

You can have 'it is important to do X'; can you have 'it is urgent to do X'?

Can someone please explain the syntactic rules at work here?

How Many is "A Few"? [duplicate]

Is the phrase "I will infatuate you" correct? [closed]

Historical differences in usage of "Mrs" for "mistress" or "missus"

Figuring out the meaning and syntax of the English translation of Charmides

How to properly use h1 in HTML5

Difference between the terms 'famous' & 'infamous'; 'valuable' & 'invaluable'

"I'm dry" meaning "Would you buy me a drink?" What semantic or rhetorical term describes such usage?

Dress up like a tailback

Why are the notes or protocol of a meeting referred to as its 'minutes'?

Are parentheses around the result significant in a return statement?

Meaning of word "pillory"