New posts in semantic-markup

What html markups to use for displaying label/value data?

Is it necessary to have <tbody> in every table?

How to use <section> and <article> tags in HTML5?

When to use <br> line breaks vs CSS positioning?

Is it ok to use <strong> in place of <b> blindly?

HTML5 nav element vs. role="navigation"

w3c html validation error - Section lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections

Markup for postal addresses

What is the proper HTML entity for the "x" in a dimension?

Best HTML5 markup for sidebar

How to properly use h1 in HTML5

Correct Semantic tag for copyright info - html5

Semantics and Structure of Name-Value Pairs

Is it correct to use DIV inside FORM?

How to semantically provide a caption, title or label for a list in HTML

Why <big> is not in HTML 5 Tag list while <small> is?

Which HTML5 tag should I use to mark up an author’s name?

Most common way of writing a HTML table with vertical headers?

Span inside anchor or anchor inside span or doesn't matter?

Knowing what RDFA vocabulary to use