New posts in street-address

mysql datatype for telephone number and address

Is it a good idea to use an integer column for storing US ZIP codes in a database?

Google Geocoder service is unavaliable (Coordinates to address)

Get street address at lat/long pair

regex street address match

Markup for postal addresses

How should international geographical addresses be stored in a relational database?

How to convert an address to a latitude/longitude?

Address validation using Google Maps API

How to obtain longitude and latitude for a street address programmatically (and legally)

How do you perform address validation? [closed]

Best practices for storing postal addresses in a database (RDBMS)?

Is there common street addresses database design for all addresses of the world? [closed]

Using Address Instead Of Longitude And Latitude With Google Maps API

Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation

How to parse freeform street/postal address out of text, and into components

Parse usable Street Address, City, State, Zip from a string [closed]