New posts in w3c

Is it necessary to have <tbody> in every table?

Alternative for innerHTML?

When to use <br> line breaks vs CSS positioning?

Use of <picture> inside <figure> element in HTML5?

window.innerWidth vs document.documentElement.clientWidth

Hosting W3 XML Schema files locally

Correct use of Blockquote, q and cite?

What does font-size really correspond to?

Is there a valid way to wrap a dt and a dd with an HTML element?

HTML5: W3C vs WHATWG. Which gives the most authoritative spec?

unable to cope with the asynchronous nature of navigator.geolocation

IE8 does not support querySelectorAll

Getting Saucelab error "There is no device that matches your criteria."

How to unquote a urlencoded unicode string in python?

How does MTOM work?

What values for checked and selected are false?

Why do we use <script> for scripts, but not <style> for external CSS?

Can we use any other TAG inside <ul> along with <li>? [duplicate]

Represent space and tab in XML tag?

Can a CSS pixel be a fraction?