Can we use any other TAG inside <ul> along with <li>? [duplicate]

Can we use any other TAG in <ul> along with <li>?


Some text here or <p>Some text here<p> etc
<li>item 1</li>
Some text here or <p>Some text here<p> etc
<li>item 1</li>

Solution 1:

For your code to be valid you can't put any tag inside a <ul> other than an <li>.

You can however, put any block level element inside the <li>, like so:


Solution 2:

According to the W3C Recommendation, the basic structure of a list must be:

   <LI> ... first list item...
   <LI> ... second list item...

You can put p tags only inside of li tags, not as direct children of ul. The W3C Recommendation expressly states:

lists are made up of sequences of list items defined by the LI element