Is it correct to use DIV inside FORM?

I'm just wondering what are you thinking about DIV-tag inside FORM-tag?

I need something like this:

  <input type="text"/>
  <div> some </div>
  <div> another </div>
  <input type="text" />

Is it general practice to use DIV inside FORM or I need something different?

Solution 1:

It is totally fine .

The form will submit only its input type controls ( *also Textarea , Select , etc...).

You have nothing to worry about a div within a form.

Solution 2:

It is completely acceptable to use a DIV inside a <form> tag.

If you look at the default CSS 2.1 stylesheet, div and p are both in the display: block category. Then looking at the HTML 4.01 specification for the form element, they include not only <p> tags, but <table> tags, so of course <div> would meet the same criteria. There is also a <legend> tag inside the form in the documentation.

For instance, the following passes HTML4 validation in strict mode:

<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<form id="test" action="test.php">
  Test: <input name="blah" value="test" type="text">

Solution 3:

You can use a <div> within a form - there is no problem there .... BUT if you are going to use the <div> as the label for the input dont ... label is a far better option :

<label for="myInput">My Label</label> 
<input type="textbox" name="MyInput" value="" />