New posts in html-entities

Encoding a tab in html

How to convert all characters to their html entity equivalent using PHP

Uses for the '"' entity in HTML

How to create string with multiple spaces in JavaScript

Decoding all HTML Entities

Optional line-breaking HTML entity that is always invisible

is there a mysql function to decode html entities?

htmlentities in PHP but preserving html tags

HTML character codes for this ▲ or this ▼

Bigger version of •

What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, ... modifiers on html_entity_decode do?

how to put < > and double space or multiple space in my html tag or in my element [duplicate]

What is the proper HTML entity for the "x" in a dimension?

Decode HTML entities in JavaScript?

PostgreSQL replace HTML entities function

Breaking space (opposite of non-breaking space)

Convert HTML entities to Unicode and vice versa

Is there an HTML entity for an info icon?

Error Parsing /page.xhtml: Error Traced[line: 42] The entity "nbsp" was referenced, but not declared

Converting &amp; to & in Objective-C [duplicate]