New posts in line-breaks

How to display a line break with outputText?

Force line break (<br/>) in header (<h1>) in Markdown

adding line break

How to detect line breaks in a text area input?

Unix newlines to Windows newlines (on Windows)

Replace multiple <br>'s with only one <br>

how can I implement a line break in a variable in php?

Optional line-breaking HTML entity that is always invisible

How to make a line break on the Python ternary operator?

Neatest way to remove linebreaks in Perl

URL latex linebreak

Latex Multiple Linebreaks

h:outputText does not break \r\n characters into new lines

How to force a linebreak?

Correct style for line breaks when chaining methods in Python

remove all line breaks (enter symbols) from the string using R

Specifying a preferred line break point in HTML text in a responsive design [duplicate]

Split string in JavaScript and detect line break

What's the opposite of a nbsp?

Remove all the line breaks from the html source