New posts in pep8

Verifying PEP8 in iPython notebook code

Visual studio code suppress pep8 warnings

What PEP 8 guidelines do you ignore, and which ones do you stick to? [closed]

Code formatter like nb_black for google colab

Strange PEP8 recommendation on comparing Boolean values to True or False

Why does PyCharm use 120 Character Lines even though PEP8 Specifies 79?

How can I make my Python code stay under 80 characters a line? [closed]

How to format a python assert statement that complies with PEP8?

How to properly use python's isinstance() to check if a variable is a number?

Python function argument list formatting

How come the Python's logging module doesn't follow PEP8 conventions?

Correct style for line breaks when chaining methods in Python

How to prevent "too broad exception" in this case?

Python PEP8: Blank lines convention

what is trailing whitespace and how can I handle this?

pep8 warning on regex string in Python, Eclipse

Python: using 4 spaces for indentation. Why? [closed]

python pep8 class in init imported but not used

Import order coding standard

Define functions with too many arguments to abide by PEP8 standard