New posts in static-analysis

Are there any static code analysis tools for Delphi/Pascal? [closed]

Stack Size Estimation

@GuardedBy annotation with java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock

Are there any tools for performing static analysis of Scala code? [closed]

Is there a static analysis tool like Lint or Perl::Critic for shell scripts?

How do I get mypy to recognize that an argument of a function needs to be a subclass of a particular base class?

Why do code quality discussions evoke strong reactions? [closed]

Is it possible to statically distinguish between fully qualified names and nested class types?

Dead code identification (C++)

javax.annotation: @Nullable vs @CheckForNull

Static Analysis tool recommendation for Java? [closed]

Should I use the final modifier when declaring case classes?

Static analysis tool to detect ABI breaks in C++ [closed]

Should useless type qualifiers on return types be used, for clarity?

What's the current state of static analysis tools for Scala?

Instance variables with underscore in Objective-C 2.0 and renaming with @synthetize leads to optimization warnings by the 'Analyze' tool of Xcode 4 [duplicate]

Dead code detection in legacy C/C++ project [closed]

Import order coding standard

Is there a tool to validate an Azure DevOps Pipeline locally?

How to raise warning if return value is disregarded?