New posts in code-analysis

JavaScript Source Code Analyzer [closed]

Why do code quality discussions evoke strong reactions? [closed]

Tools to detect duplicated code (Java) [closed]

Tool to determine what lowest version of Python required?

Identifying dependencies of R functions and scripts

How to disable pre-commit code analysis for Git-backed projects using IntelliJ IDEA

Lint for C# [closed]

Is there a tool for finding unreferenced functions (dead, obsolete code) in a C# app? [closed]

'SuppressMessage' for a whole namespace

Visual Studio Code Analysis vs StyleCop + FxCop

Where has the Code Analysis window gone?

VS2015: warning MSB3884: Could not find rule set file

Tool to visualise code flow (C/C++) [closed]

How to determine maximum stack usage in embedded system with gcc?

How to determine maximum stack usage?

CA2202, how to solve this case

Finding all references to a method with Roslyn

Access quality gate status from sonarqube api

Collection<T> versus List<T> what should you use on your interfaces?

Analyzing Code for Efficiency?