New posts in collections

Remove N first occurrences of a number in an ArrayList [duplicate]

Vector vs Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList)

What is the difference between the properties Keys and AllKeys on a NameValueCollection?

List<BusinessObject> or BusinessObjectCollection?

Difference between HashMap and ArrayList in Java?

How to get all the keys (only keys) from dictionary object without going through for each loop

Query runs successfully and fetches empty result from user defined bucket, scope, and collection

how to remove key value from map in scala

How to Convert List<string> to ReadOnlyCollection<string> in C#

Which is better to use array or List<>? [duplicate]

Cannot implicitly convert List<T> to Collection<T>

IList<T> and IReadOnlyList<T>

Why do ImmutableList.of() and friends prohibit null elements?

IEnumerable and order

Find the first element that satisfies condition X in a Seq

Why does Arrays.asList() return its own ArrayList implementation

How to use Collections.sort() in Java?

Find items from a list which exist in another list

when to use Set vs. Collection?

mutable vs. immutable in Scala collections