New posts in scala-collections

how to remove key value from map in scala

How to convert a Seq[A] to a Map[Int, A] using a value of A as the key in the map?

mutable vs. immutable in Scala collections

How to implement Map with default operation in Scala

Scala: Parallel collection in object initializer causes a program to hang

Use-cases for Streams in Scala

Difference between MutableList and ListBuffer

Convert Java Map to Scala Map

Scala Map foreach

How to append or prepend on a Scala mutable.Seq

What are views for collections and when would you want to use them?

Scala: Why does Seq.contains take an Any argument, instead of an argument of the sequence type?

Scala Sets contain the same elements, but sameElements() returns false

Min/max with Option[T] for possibly empty Seq?

Scala Map implementation keeping entries in insertion order?

What type to use to store an in-memory mutable data table in Scala?

How to transform Scala collection of Option[X] to collection of X

Scala 2.8 collections design tutorial

Converting mutable to immutable map

Convert java.util.HashMap to scala.collection.immutable.Map in java