New posts in namespaces

Changing Namespaces in Entity Framework

understanding the javascript global namespace and closures

Using namespaces in Laravel 4

Why am I getting error CS0246: The type or namespace name could not be found?

Does C# 4 optimize away namespaces in a manner that previous C# versions did not?

C++ namespace and include

How to import only one function from another package, without loading the entire namespace

Alpine linux veth network/bridge has no internet

Access another process's mount namespace

C++ When is it OK to extend the `std` namespace?

Undefined symbol on a template operator overloading function

How to get attribute of node with namespace using SimpleXML? [closed]

What are Python namespaces all about

How do I parse XML containing custom namespaces using SimpleXML? [duplicate]

'CompanyName.Foo' is a 'namespace' but is used like a 'type'

Where should non-member operator overloads be placed?

Swift's standard library and name collision

XPath and namespace specification for XML documents with an explicit default namespace

Why does C++ parameter scope affect function lookup within a namespace?

Hiding namespaces containing only internal types in a class library?