How do I get mypy to recognize that an argument of a function needs to be a subclass of a particular base class?

I suppose that taking a stab at an answer isn't a bad idea at this point, since I have enough information from the comments.

You need to first enforce that f is implemented by subclasses of A. Otherwise, you could implement a subclass that doesn't implement f, and static typechecking would (rightfully) point out that there is nothing preventing that from occurring. You could use Union[B, C] if you only wanted some subclasses to implement f, but you've already stated that this is undesirable for extensibility reasons.

What you should do is have the function accept instances of the superclass A, and raise an error whenever f as defined in the superclass is invoked:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class A(ABC):
  def f(self, x):
    raise NotImplementedError("This method should be defined in subclasses of A.") 

class B(A):
  def f(self, x):

class C(A):
  def f(self, x):
    print(x, "in C")

Then, call_f() would look like the following:

def call_f(instance: A) -> None: