How to select option in HTML select using TAL in ZPT?

I got the following drop-down list - SELECT element - construction in my ZPT template:

<select id="record_selector">
    <option tal:repeat="record view/records" tal:attributes="value record/id">
        <span tal:replace="record/name"></span>

How make it possible to have selected OPTION which value is equal to one from the corresponding view property (i.e. for example, OPTION tag value == view/currentRecordId then make it selected).

Using the sdupton's clue, I got the following solution:

<select id="record_selector">
    <tal:block tal:repeat="record view/records">
        <option tal:condition="python: record['id'] != view.recordId" 
                tal:attributes="value record/id"
        <option tal:condition="python: record['id'] == view.recordId"
                tal:attributes="value record/id"

TAL conditionals are awesome :)

I found another solution here:

This still works with Zope 5.3 on Python 3.

<select id="record_selector">
    <option tal:repeat="record view/records"
            tal:attributes="value record/id;
                            selected python: record['id'] ==  view.currentRecordId">
        <span tal:replace="record/name"></span>