Encoding a tab in html

I can encode a space using   in an HTML document. Is there an equivalent for the tab character?

I'm trying to preload a <textarea> with text that contains tabs, but my CMS removes any tab characters that exist in the HTML code.

After reviewing your edit, the answer is very simply: &#9; :)

&emsp;, &ensp;, &#8195; or &#8194; can be used.

Read More at W3.org for HTML3

Read More at W3.org for HTML4

The only way to encode a TAB character in pure HTML is to surround it with <pre></pre> tags, which turns your font into a mono-space font like Courier New. There is no specific <tab></tab> like tags in HTML. Don't ask me why.

Place "<textarea> etc" in between the tags.

With all due respect to the above answers, just placing &#9 will not work as HTML will replace it with a space unless it's in-between the PRE tags.

The simple and easy answer is including in CSS.

white-space: pre;