Hydrophobic, hydrophobized, or hydrophobicized?

I found three adjectives which can be used in the following context: "velour (HYDROPHOBIC / HYDROPHOBIZED / HYDROPHOBICIZED) with alkenyl maleic anhydride composition". Which one should be used, if any of them, in the sentence and what is the rule for it? It seems that the last two adjectives can be incorrect, but I am not sure if they are - I could not find the rules to sort it out. Also, what would be a noun which will describe the process of making surfaces hydrophobic? I would appreciate if you could help me to find out more about correspondying rules for making similiar adjectives and nouns.

Velour, made hydrophobic

The other examples are grammatically correct in the example sentence, but linguistic monstrosities that as a biochemist I have never encountered and which I would never tolerate from any student of mine or in any journal article I should ever referee.

But then, not everyone who has to publish in English actually speaks the language. My commiserations.