New posts in semantics

H1 in article page - site title or article title?

Semantic role of "the coat" in "the coat lay on the bed"?

Is there a valid way to wrap a dt and a dd with an HTML element?

What is the difference between 'patient' and 'casualty'?

Difference between “boundary” and “limit” [closed]

What does the colon dash ":-" mean in bash [duplicate]

What does "apply to" mean here?

Is it correct to use “or” in place of “and/or”?

Is "exceptioned" a word?

Semantically, which is more correct: a in h2, or h2 in a?

What's the semantic content of the word "yo" in the speech of Jesse from Breaking Bad, and in which dialects is this construct found in the real world

What’s the difference between formula and method?

Specification for a Functional Reactive Programming language

"It is that ..." sentences in a non-linguistic context

Definition of racism inconsistency?

Semantic shift in "around"

Elide versus omit [closed]

Brit in American English? [duplicate]

Does this phrase mean what I want it to mean?

To make your personal enemy or rival