New posts in roots

Is there an intuitive way of visualising complex roots?

Patterns of the zeros of the Faulhaber polynomials (modified)

How do you solve 5th degree polynomials?

What is the solution to the equation $9^x - 6^x - 2\cdot 4^x = 0 $?

Approximating roots of the truncated Taylor series of $\exp$ by values of the Lambert W function

On the trigonometric roots of a cubic

Monic polynomials whose roots are their remaining coefficients

Paradox: Roots of a polynomial require less information to express than coefficients?

What are the properties of the roots of the incomplete/finite exponential series?

Something strange about $\sqrt{ 4+ \sqrt{ 4 + \sqrt{ 4-x}}}=x$ and its friends

Why does this distribution of polynomial roots resemble a collection of affine IFS fractals?

If an polynomial has a complex root, is it necessary that its conjugate is also a root?

Only 12 polynomials exist with given properties

Why do some words with similar meanings sound similar as well?

The Golden Ratio shows up in the cosine function. Do other related numbers do so as well?

Why is it so hard to find the roots of polynomial equations?

Polynomial $p(a) = 1$, why does it have at most 2 integer roots? [duplicate]

Is There A Polynomial That Has Infinitely Many Roots?

AM-GM-HM Triplets

Formalization of one optimization problem or solution of inequalities