New posts in roots

Galois groups of polynomials and explicit equations for the roots

Create polynomial coefficients from its roots

Express solutions of equation $ \tan x= x $ in closed form

What are words called that share the same root?

Prove $\sqrt[3]{3} \notin \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2})$ [duplicate]

Irreducibility of a polynomial if it has no root (Capelli) [duplicate]

The Modulus of all the roots of a Polynomial are equal to $1$

Fastest Square Root Algorithm

Distribution of roots of complex polynomials

$p_n(x)=p_{n-1}(x)+p_{n-1}^{\prime}(x)$, then all the roots of $p_k(x)$ are real

Prefixed words in English whose abbreviations skip the prefixes

How to find the roots of $x^4 +1$

What is the opposite of an epiphany?

Is there a simple explanation why degree 5 polynomials (and up) are unsolvable?

Finding real and imaginary roots from polynomials

Is it possible for a quadratic equation to have one rational root and one irrational root?

An interesting observation on the roots of certain polynomials

How to prove that r is a double root if and only if it is a root of a polynomial and of its derivative.

Is there anything like “cubic formula”?

Relation between the roots of a function