Irreducibility of a polynomial if it has no root (Capelli) [duplicate]
Let $F$ be a field of arbitrary characteristic, $a\in F$, and $p$ a prime number. Show that $$f(X)=X^p-a$$ is irreducible in $F[X]$ if it has no root in $F$.
This answer to a related question mentions the result is due to Capelli.
I can prove the result if $F$ has characteristic $p$ as follows. Suppose $f$ is reducible: $f(X)=g(X)h(X)$ with $g(X)$ an irreducible factor of degree $m$, $1\le m<p$. Then if $\alpha$ is a root of $g$ in some extension field $K$ of $F$, we have $$f(X)=X^p-\alpha^p=(X-\alpha)^p$$ so its divisor $g(X)$ must be of the form $(X-\alpha)^m$. Since the coefficient of $X^{m-1}$ in $g$ is in $F$, we have $m\alpha\in F$. So $\alpha\in F$ because $m$ is invertible modulo $p$.
How would you show the result in other characteristics?
A proof of this result can be found on page 297 of Lang's Algebra and goes as follows.
Let $F$ be a field of characteristic $q \neq p$. If $f(x)$ has no root in $F$, then it must be the case that $a$ is not a $p$ - th power in $F$. Suppose that $f(x)$ is reducible. By passing the larger extension $K = F(\alpha)$ , we see that $\alpha$ must have degree $d$ where $d < p$. Then $\alpha^p = a$ and by applying $N_{K/F}(-)$ gives that $N_{K/F}(\alpha)^p = a^d$ by multiplicativity of the field norm. Since $(d,p) = 1$ this means that $a$ is a power of $p$ in $F$, a contradiction.
Suppose the characteristic of $F$ is not $p$. Let $\Omega$ be the algebraic closure of $F$. By the assumption on the characteristic of $F$, $\Omega$ has a primitive $p$-th root of unity $\zeta$. Let $\alpha$ be a root of $x^p - a$ in $\Omega$. Since $\alpha$ is not contained in $F$, $\alpha \neq 0$. Hence $\alpha, \alpha\zeta, \cdots, \alpha\zeta^{p-1}$ are distinct roots of $x^p - a$. Suppose $x^p - a = g(x)h(x)$, where $g(x)$ and $h(x)$ are monic polynomials in $F[x]$ and $1 \le$ deg $g(x) \lt p$. Let $k =$ deg $g(x)$. Let $b$ be the constant term of $g(x)$. Then $b = (-1)^k \alpha^k \zeta^m$, where $m$ is an integer. Hence $b^p = (-1)^{kp} a^k$ If $(-1)^{kp} = 1$, then let $c = b$. Suppose $(-1)^{kp} = -1$. If $p$ is odd, then let $c = -b$. If $p = 2$, then let $c = b$. In either case, $c^p = a^k$.
Let $\Gamma$ be the multiplicative group of $F$. Let $\Gamma^p = \{x^p |\ x \in \Gamma\}$. $\Gamma^p$ is a subgroup of $\Gamma$. Let $\pi$ be the canonical homomorophism $\Gamma \rightarrow \Gamma/\Gamma^p$. Let $\beta = \pi(a)$. Since $x^p - a$ does not have a root in $F$, $\beta \neq 1$. On the other hand, $\beta^p = \pi(a^p) = 1$. Hence the order of $\beta$ is $p$. However, since $c^p = a^k$, $\beta^k = 1$. This is a contradiction. Hence $x^p - a$ is irreducible in $F[x]$.