New posts in quantum-field-theory

What is a particle mathematically?

Category Theory and Quantum Mechanics

Decay of amplitude integral

Path (Feynman) Integrals over Graphs

Reference for rigorous treatment of the representation theory of the Lorentz group

CFT's vs Vertex Operator Algebras

Mathematics and Physics prerequisites for mirror symmetry

What does the symbol $\operatorname{Tr}$ in the Yang-Mills action mean?

Integral representation for $\log$ of operator

Applications of TQFTs beyond physics

Renormalization for mathematicians

In the Physicists' definition of the path integral, does the result depend on the choice of partitions?

Topological Quantum Field theories

Products of distributions in QFT

Guide to mathematical physics?

Laymans explanation of the relation between QFT and knot theory

Guidance regarding research in Mathematical Physics

Quantum mechanical books for mathematicians

Electrodynamics in general spacetime

What is the relation between representations of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras?