New posts in propositional-calculus

Online tools for checking validity of classical, intuitionistic, ... logic formulas?

Proof ¬q → ¬p from premise p → q using deductive system& Modus ponens

Can we make intuitionistic logic "intuitive"?

How do you derive (~P -> Q) from P v Q as the premise using Fitch?

Apply Resolution rule in this formula

Why is the Absorption Law considered a Rule of Inference instead of Replacement?

Why is "material implication" called "material"?

Need Hints Prove "$((\neg \alpha \to \alpha) \to \alpha) $" Using Axiom 1,2,3 and MP and deduction theorem

"This statement is false" - Propositional Logic

Can someone please explain 3-CNF for me?

How do I formally express that a statement is true only if 3 propositions are true?

Difference between Logical Axioms and Rules of Inference

Intuition of implication in propositional logic

What exactly is a contradiction and how does it differ from falsity?

How is "interpretation" used differently in propositional vs. first-order logic?

Why are proofs not written as collections of logic symbols but are instead written in sentences? [duplicate]

Proving 'Law of Excluded Middle' in Fitch system

Using induction to prove an iff statement?

Proving that a propositional theory of any cardinality has an independent set of axioms

"This statement is false." [duplicate]