New posts in propositional-calculus

Relationship between propositional logic, first-order logic, second-order logic higher-order logic, and type theory

Proof of the Compactness Theorem for Propositional Logic

Does "the alphabet of the language of propositional logic" have no function symbols, relation symbols, and constants?

How or why does intutionistic logic proof negations from within the theory, constructively?

"forward" natural deduction vs "backward" natural deduction

prove $( \lnot \lnot p \Rightarrow p) \Rightarrow (((p \Rightarrow q ) \Rightarrow p ) \Rightarrow p )$ with intuitionistic natural deduction

Negate and Simplify $p\wedge (q\vee r)\wedge(\neg p\vee\neg q\vee r)$

Is an empty conjunction in propositional logic true?

Difference between Gentzen and Hilbert Calculi

Distributivity of Conjunction

Can the distributive law be proven using only ∧-elimination/introduction and ∨-elimination/introduction?

Logical NOT of an implication

Intuition behind "Exclusive or"

Modus Ponens vs implication?

Logic - How to say "Not only but also".

Example of use De Morgan Law and the plain English behind it.

Why is "A only if B" equivalent to "(not A) or B"? [duplicate]

Natural Deduction Tautology

Show by using logical connectives laws that $(P\to Q) \land (Q \to R) $ is equivalent to $(P \to R) \land [(P \iff Q) \lor (R \iff Q)]$

Soundness vs completeness, am I understanding? And proving soundness?