New posts in propositional-calculus

Express logic puzzles with proposition calculus notation

What is a false premise?

How to formally assign truth values to a proposition?

OR in real life vs OR in Mathematical Logic

Minimum number of different clues in a Sudoku

What is the difference between implication symbols: $\rightarrow$ and $\Rightarrow$? [duplicate]

What's the difference between biconditional iff and logical equivalence?

Using the distributivity law for propositional logic

Logically Necessary but NOT Tautologically necessary? Help

In axiomatization of propositional logic, why can uniform substitution be applied only to axioms?

How to convert formula to disjunctive normal form?

Classes, sets and Russell's paradox

Need help with Fitch proof.

Understanding the proof of Definition by Recursion

conjunction of disjunctions and disjunction of conjunctions

Assistance in completing the proof: (P → Q)∧(Q → R) is equivalent to (P → R)∧ [(P ↔ Q) ∨ (R ↔ Q)] using logical equivalencies

Show that (p ∧ q) → (p ∨ q) is a tautology?

Understanding of Material Implication

A question about Implicational Propositional Calculus

Can AND, OR and NOT be used to represent any truth table?