New posts in proof-explanation

Topology: Show restriction of continuous function is continuous, and restriction of a homeomorphism is a homeomorphism

Fractions: cross-multiply equivalence is least with $\frac{a}b\approx \frac{ac}{bc}$

Is dealing with mathematics without understanding philosophy behind it good aproach?

Inductive proof of gcd Bezout identity (from Apostol: Math, Analysis 2ed)

Algorithm to answer existential questions - Reduction

Proof obligations, Hoare-logic

Convergence test for $\Sigma \frac{1}{n^\alpha}$

Prove that $\int f\ d\lambda = \int_{a}^{b} f(x)\ dx,$ for any $f \in \mathcal R[a,b].$

Having trouble proving natural transformation horizontal composition equality of two formulas using a diagram.

Proof explanation: T is unitary $ \iff $ $ T^*T = I $

Theorem 6.19 of Baby Rudin

fundamental group of manifold, Lee's text topological manifold

Show that $\lim_{n\to\infty} \sqrt[n]{a^{n} + b^{n}} = \max(a, b)$

Explain the argument used in the answer

Prove there are no prime numbers in the sequence $a_n=10017,100117,1001117,10011117, \dots$

Proving that the fundamental groups of two spaces with same homotopy type are isomorphic

For 2 orthogonal vectors, is tan(a)tan(b)=-1?

Fallacious proof involving trigonometry

Proof clarification for Question 68 of Spivak's 'Calculus' - exploring the function $f(x)=\alpha x + x^2 \sin(1/x)$ for $\alpha =1$

If $M$ is a compact Riemannian manifold and $g$ and $\tilde{g}$ are metrics on $M$, then $\frac{1}{C} g \leq \tilde{g} \leq C g$ for $C > 1$