Theorem 6.19 of Baby Rudin
Solution 1:
As $f\in\mathscr{R}(\alpha)$, by Theorem 6.6 there exists a partition $P$ consisting of $x_i\in[a,b]$ such that
$$U(P,f,\alpha)-L(P,f,\alpha) < \epsilon\ . $$
But $Q$ defined by the values $\varphi(y_i)=x_i$ is a partition of $[A,B]$ and by the equality (38) we have
$$U(Q,g,\beta)-L(Q,g,\beta) < \epsilon\ .$$
Thus by the other direction of Theorem 6.6 we have that $g\in\mathscr{R}(\beta)$.
To see that they are equal, you just need to see that
$$\sup_{P}L(P,f,\alpha) = \sup_Q L(Q,g,\beta)\ .$$
Let $P=\{x_i\}$ be a partition of $[a,b]$ and define $Q=\{\varphi^{-1}(x_i)\}$. This is a partition of $[A,B]$ so we have
$$ L(P,f,\alpha) = L(Q,g,\beta)\leq \sup_{Q}L(Q,g,\beta)\ .$$
Now we take the $\sup$ over all such $P$ to see
$$\sup_{P}L(P,f,\alpha) \leq \sup_Q L(Q,g,\beta)\ .$$
Conversely, suppose $Q=\{y_i\}$ is a partition of $[A,B]$ and we can define $P=\{\varphi(y_i)\}$ which is a partition of $[a,b]$. Then we have
$$L(Q,g,\beta)=L(P,f,\alpha)\leq \sup_{P} L(P,f,\alpha)\ .$$ Taking $\sup$ over all such $Q$ gives
$$\sup_{Q}L(Q,g,\beta) \leq \sup_P L(P,f,\alpha)\ .$$