New posts in pronunciation

How to pronounce "Ephemerides"?

What is the word used to describe a particular type of sound made with language?

When does the name prefix "Mc" take stress?

Differing pronunciations of "divisive"

Why did the vowel in "Christ" become long in moving from Old English to Middle English?

How should an English speaker pronounce "vice versa"?

How is "gone" pronounced?

How do you pronounce the inverse of the $\in$ relation? How do you say $G\ni x$?

Which does English “l” and “r” sound come under, an allophone or different phonemes?

Pronunciation of the name, " Leonhard Euler "

Would it be correct to say "five 202ths"? [duplicate]

Pronunciation of "-thwaite"

Why are the first syllables of “nature” and “natural” pronounced differently?

Root pronunciation change when adding suffix

Does /ɛ/ have more than one sound?

What’s the difference between /ӕ/ and /ɑ/?

Why is "sew" pronounced as "so"?

Pronunciation of Mid-Word American English T + D

Why do British people pronounce "idea" with an "r" sound at the end? [duplicate]

Can you hear the difference between 'Writer' and 'Rider'? Why?