Pronunciation of the name, " Leonhard Euler "

In almost every source I know, Euler has been pronounced as /ˈȯi-lər/ . Nevertheless, in a number of books translated to other languages, it is mentioned as: /ˈjuːlər/ . I doubt in it incorrectness, but have not found any source to prove it. Is this pronunciation correct or not?

Furthermore, pronouncing the word Leonhard, are we supposed to say the h letter, too?

- Thank you in advance

In 1905, according to the Century Dictionary, Eulerian was pronounced /juˈliːrɪən/ (rhyming with Shakespearian). So presumably, in 1905 Euler was pronounced /ˈjuːlər/. (Yooler, for those who can't read IPA.)

The English-speaking mathematical community has long since realized the error of its ways, and started pronouncing Euler's last name using the modern German pronunciation, /ˈɔɪ.lər/. We still usually leave out the /h/ in his first name, and put a /d/ on the end. (The German pronunciation is more like /leːɔnhart/.) But from the OP's comments, this newer pronunciation has not spread to other languages that borrowed the English pronunciation when it was still Anglicized.