Word to describe "compliance with unspoken resistance"

Solution 1:

Per Vocabulary.com, resignation is:

(the quality or state of being resigned : submissiveness / an unresisting acceptance of a change or fate you don't necessarily like / state of uncomplaining, utter frustration)


  • You can just keep on trying to survive, day to day, in an unsatisfying marriage—I call this adjusting with resignation. Jeffry H. Larson, The Great Marriage Tune-Up Book: A Proven Program for Evaluating (2002)

  • A Christian knocked the cap into the mud, crying, " 'Jew! Get off the pavement!'" "'And what did you do?'" asked the young Freud. The father told how he complied with resignation, stepping off the sidewalk to retrieve his cap. François Ansermet, Biology of freedom: neural plasticity, experience, and the unconscious (2007)

  • ... and the benefits of their example (who have persisted in doing their duty with resignation to the Divine Will, amids. Samuel Richardson, Pamela; or, Virtue rewarded (1816)

Solution 2:


(Passive assent or agreement without protest.)

It should be noted that the word does necessarily cover the intended meaning of unwillingness. Some definitions actually indicate quiet satisfaction.


  • … the tender understanding with which he had acquiesced to her wish not to consummate their relationship out of wedlock. Dorothy West, The Wedding (1995)

  • Some rape statutes, for example, use consent in both factual and legal senses, referring sometimes to acquiescence that may or not be a defense depending upon whether it is voluntary… Peter Westen, The logic of consent: the diversity and deceptiveness of consent (2004)