New posts in pronunciation

How does one read aloud a birth year with no death year? Eg: John Smith (1994 – )

Are the words 'lawyerly' and 'loyally' homophones in BrE?

How to pronounce "cm," "km," etc

Deletion of /h/

for words ending in "ing", what parts are stressed?

How to pronounce the "dr" sound in the middle of words

Why isn't Robert Mueller's last name pronounced like Ferris Bueller's? [closed]

How do I say the word “bow” in the sentence “I set my bow in the clouds...”?

What happens phonetically in "words that"?

Recent change in pronouncing homage

The pronunciation of Burns' "I wad gie a' Knockhaspie's land"

American pronunciation of Versailles

unvoiced /th/ and /f/,Jennifer Rush Power Of Love

What is the origin in a strong Scouse accent of the phoneme /x/ or sometimes /kx/?

Reference for oral expression of mathematics [duplicate]

How common is the short "be" in American English

Pronunciation of "catch"

How good is my pronunciation? [closed]

What is the pronunciation of "liceity"?

Why is the pronunciation of 'ch' different in chamber and chameleon? [duplicate]