New posts in pronunciation

What's different between pronouncing of these words: Get and Gem? [closed]

BrE: pronunciation of "to"

So, "carrots too" (/ˈkærəts tuː/) can sound like "Carrot Sue" (/ˈkærət suː/), right?

How do natives pronounce "what the f**k?"

What dictates how new words should be pronounced? [closed]

How to make clear the difference between 0 and O?

Is there a connection between the words "illicit" and "elicit"?

Is it an Essex dialect or something else?

What is the pronunciation of "Software"? [closed]

Is the word "on" pronounced like /ʌn/ or /ən/ instead of /ɔn/ when it is unstressed? [duplicate]

How do you pronounce these Greek letters in English dictionary definitions?

Should I pronounce the singular "Irishman" and the plural "Irishmen" identically?

Was the "i" long or short in Shakespeare's plays?

What are some words where adding a letter will make the pronunciation shorter? [closed]

Why do "able" and "haste" have long a's?

What are some effective ways a foreign speaker can improve pronunciation in English? [closed]

Pronunciation of "Paraguay"

How to distinguish "can" and "can't" pronunciation in American English? [duplicate]

Is this flapping?

What are the words ending in "-ey" pronounced [eɪ]?