What is the pronunciation of "Software"? [closed]
I have heard the pronunciation of the word Software as "softwher".But recently i've heard Steve Jobs saying "sofwher" in a YouTube video.
link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN4U5FqrOdQ
This is called an elision, and it's a concern of preference, habit, or locale.
Some of my personal elisions:
- the d in grandfather
- the second e in vegetable
- the t in scripts (and many other t followed by s, see below)
Some elisions by others that I pronounce:
- the i in family
- the second e in temperature
Aside from a loosely-enforced "rule" that ts and d be elided if they occur between two other consonants (as in my above "scripts"), this is a subjective topic. It depends whether or not you abide the "rule" that d and t be elided if they occur between consonants. If you do, then Jobs has shown his command of an English intricacy. If you don't worry about such details, then you shouldn't be bothered.